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Blue Sky Distributors
out of 5 starsReviewer:
Service Roscoe We just wanted to thank you again for your generous donation for our nutrition event. It was so kind of you to donate your flax seed, and we were able to use everything you sent in the package. We will remind our patients about your company when teaching them about flax seed. Thank you so very much for taking the time to consider our Nutrition Month taste tests. We really appreciate your help! Sincerely : Rachel & Kingwood Medical Center's Food & Nutrition Services.
out of 5 starsReviewer: Alexandra
Service Roscoe That's a genuinely impresisve answer.
out of 5 starsReviewer: Bertha
Service Roscoe I sreached a bunch of sites and this was the best.
out of 5 starsReviewer: Veanna
Service Roscoe Thanks for your thoughts. It's hlpeed me a lot.
out of 5 starsReviewer: Dale Cook
Service Roscoe Last year we found your booth at the NC State fair and bought the Muscadine grape juice. Of everything we saw and did last year at the fair, it was your juice that stood far and above the rest in motivating us to return to this years fair (which is today) to seek you out and buy as much of the Muscadine grape juice as we can possibly carry. In fact, since Christmas is only 2 months away I have a feeling we'll be giving our favorite friends and family each a bottle of the juice. I've bookmarked your website now, and will no doubt be a loyal customer for years to come.
out of 5 starsReviewer: Deborah from Spotsylvania, VA
Service Roscoe My first discovery of the wonderful flax products was attending a motorcycle show in MD. Being of a healthly living attitude, I was immediately drawn to their booth. I purchaed products and a cookbook (I love cooking). Since that time years ago, Ive turned my friends on to the product and healthier living. I use the product in daily smoothies (yogurt/soy milk/fruit/golden flax and bee pollen) yum! You can tell the diffence in your body right away, more energy, happier and healthier!Learn the benefits of golden flax and you will benefit from its use. Im a firm believer. And, I have tried other brands from health food and grocery stores, there is no comparison to Flax USA, none at all. The taste and benefit is far better than any other product Ive tried on the market.Enjoy!!!
out of 5 starsReviewer: Andrea Horn
Service Roscoe I met Annie at the Virginia State Fair in Richmond and bought the cold milled flax seed and the lignans. She talked to me alot about the product and gave me literature to read. I mostly bought it for my hot flashes and night sweats. I have been taking it now for almost 6 months and I feel great. I had tried all kinds of things that never seemed to work! But now I am a firm believer, not only has it stopped my hot flashes and night sweats, my blood sugar has sabilized and I no longer need metformin. At my last check up my doctor was very impressed that my cholesterol was so good, and I had good results on all my other levels. This along with B12 is all I take each morning now. Thanks Annie for introducing me to this wonderful product. You told me to make a list, that for a couple of mornings, see what bothered me the most when I got up, or throughout the day and write them down. I had 18 items on my list, after six months I have crossed off 11 of those items and hope to get to the point where I can cross of the rest of them. Thank you again..... Andrea
out of 5 starsReviewer: John, Milwaukee, WI
Service Roscoe “My wife has suffered from constipation all our married life (45 years). She has tried every “over the counter” drug and prescription drug. The drugs work for a short time and then she is back to the beginning of no action. I bought the flaxseed from Blue Sky Distributor at a show and told Anne nothing would be lost if it did not work. Within two weeks of my wife adding the flax seed to her diet, she was starting to get back to a normal routine. As time went by, my wife became regular again. I want to thank Anne for giving me my wife and sweetheart back. We can now enjoy our life together. Thank you for suggesting my wife try flax seed.”
out of 5 starsReviewer: Amanda, Raleigh, NC
Service Roscoe “I have been enduring the hot flushes and nightly sweats for some considerable time – having tried everything possible, nothing has worked. My arthritis is not improving as I get older. I met Anne at a show and it was recommended that I try adding flax seed and lignans to my diet. My attitude was “nothing ventured nothing gained”. I started to keep a diary as I noticed differences after starting my daily regimen of flax seed and lignans. After a couple of weeks I noticed that I was not getting the nightly sweats, neither was I having so many hot flushes. My arthritis also is improving. Thank you for the recommendation – how soon can I receive my order as I don’t want to be without ?”
out of 5 starsReviewer: Vi, Lebanon, NH
Service Roscoe “About 3 years ago my doctor put me on Lipitor. Lipitor did not work for me as it affected my muscles. I started taking flax after coming off Lipitor and within 3 months started to see my cholesterol come down. I continue to take flax every day and my doctor is very pleased with my blood work – all my numbers are in the range that the doctor wants them to be. Thank you flax seed”.
out of 5 starsReviewer: Geri, Glen Ellyn IL
Service Roscoe “I received my container of flax seed today. Once again thanks for the great service and wonderful product. I have told so many people about it, hopefully they are listening.”
out of 5 starsReviewer: Jane, Richmond, VA
Service Roscoe “I had not tasted Muscadine Grape Juice since my childhood in North Carolina. It brought back memories of my grandfather’s house and the muscadines growing wild in his backyard. The 100% Muscadine Grape Juice tastes just like the real grape. I will be ordering more!”
out of 5 starsReviewer: Wanda, Elkhorn, WI
Service Roscoe “I purchased the 100% Muscadine Grape Juice at a fair recently and was surprised how it tastes just like the real grapes ! Wonderful juice and I get the health benefits that go with it. Thank you.”
out of 5 starsReviewer: Risa
Service Roscoe “Wonderful juice! Tastes just like a sweet grape picked fresh from the vine!”
out of 5 starsReviewer: Risa
Service Roscoe Wonderful juice! Tastes just like a sweet grape picked fresh from the vine. |
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